How to check the generate Bills list?
To check the generated Bills list, follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module and click on "Bills" followed by "View." You can narrow down your search by selecting the desired options such as Business name, Expense Head, Expense Category, and ...
How to Create a Bill?
To create a bill, follow these steps: Navigate to the Expense Module and click on "Bills" and then "Add." Select the appropriate vendor from the available options. Choose the relevant Expense Head, Expense Category, and Expense Sub-Category for the ...
How to bulk import the Expense Head, Category, and Sub-Category instead of creating them manually?
To bulk import Expense Head, Category, and Sub-Category instead of creating them manually, you can follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "Add Expense Head." On the right side of the screen, click on "Import." Download the sample ...
How to search and edit Expense Head & Expense Category names?
To search and edit Expense Head and Expense Category names, please follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "Add Expense Head." In the next step, click on "Add New" to choose from three options: Expense Head, Expense Category, or ...
How to add/search/edit an expense head & Categories along with Sub-categories?
To add, search, or edit an expense head, category, or sub-category, follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "Add Expense Head." In the next step, click on "Add New" to choose from three options: Expense Head, Expense Category, or ...
How to update a vendor?
To update a vendor, please follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "View Vendor." Search for the vendor by entering the Business Name or Vendor Type in the search field. You can also click on the "+" icon to explore additional search ...
How to search for a vendor?
To search for a vendor, follow these steps: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "View Vendor." Use the search functionality provided to search for a vendor. Enter the Business Name or Vendor Type to initiate the search. Optionally, you can click on ...
How to add/search/update a vendor ?
To add, search, or update a vendor, follow these steps: Adding a Vendor: Go to the Expense Module. Click on "Add Vendor." Select the appropriate Expense Head. Choose the Business Type. Select the vendor type as Suppliers, Publishers, Suppliers & ...
How to see Income & Expenditure Report?
To view the Income & Expenditure Report, follow these steps: Navigate to the Expense module in the software. Hover the cursor over the Expense Module to reveal the available options. Click on "Income & Expenditure Report" under the Reports section. ...