How to set an entrance exam date for new registrations?

How to set an entrance exam date for new registrations?

By following these steps, you will be able to retrieve the list of students registered on a particular day using the online platform's student module.

To set an entrance exam date for new registrations, follow these steps:

  1. Access the "Student Module" on the online platform and click on "Online Registered."
  2. Fill in either the Registration Number or Student Name in the provided search field, then click on the "Search" button.
  3. The system will retrieve all the relevant details related to the student registration.
  4. Look for the Three Dots Symbol under the "Action" column and click on it.
  5. From the options that appear, select "Email" to initiate an email or message communication.
  6. Compose the email or message, including the desired exam date, time, and any other necessary details.
  7. Once the message is prepared, click on the "Send" button to notify the student of the exam schedule.

By following these steps, you can effectively set an entrance exam date for new registrations by accessing the student module, searching for the specific student, and initiating an email or message communication to inform them of the exam details.

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