How to search and edit Expense Head & Expense Category names?

How to search and edit Expense Head & Expense Category names?

To search and edit Expense Head and Expense Category names, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Expense Module.
  2. Click on "Add Expense Head."
  3. In the next step, click on "Add New" to choose from three options: Expense Head, Expense Category, or Expense Sub-Category.
  4. To search for an existing Expense Head or Expense Category, enter the name in the respective field and click on the search button.
  5. The search results will display the Expense Head or Expense Category matching the entered name.
  6. To edit an Expense Head or Expense Category name, click on the pencil/edit icon next to the corresponding entry.
  7. Modify the name as desired and click on the submit button to save the changes.

By following these steps, you can search for Expense Head and Expense Category names and make necessary edits to update them.

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