How to search accrued fee reports?

How to search accrued fee reports?

To check the Accrued Amount in the Fee Module, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Fee module.
  2. Look for and click on "Accrued Amount" under the Reports section.
  3. You will be directed to the Accrued Amount page.
  4. On this page, you can view the Accrued Fee, which represents the amount that is currently outstanding or accumulating for a particular student.
  5. The Accrued Amount provides a summary of the unpaid fees that are due for payment.
  6. By accessing this information, you can stay updated on the outstanding fee balance for the selected student or students.

By following these steps, you can easily access the Accrued Amount report, enabling you to track and manage unpaid fees for better financial management and planning.

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