How to manage permissions for roles?

How to manage permissions for roles?

To manage permissions for roles in the HRMS (Human Resource Management System) module, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the HRMS module in your system.
  2. Click on "Role Permission" under Employee Management. This will allow you to manage permissions for different roles.
  3. On the Role Permission page, select a category from the available options. Categories represent different areas or functionalities within the HRMS module.
  4. After selecting a category, you will see a list of permissions associated with that category. These permissions determine the actions and features that users with the selected role can access and perform.
  5. Manage the permissions for each role by selecting or deselecting the tick marks next to the respective permissions. Tick marks indicate that the permission is granted to the role, while unticked permissions are denied.
  6. Once you have set the permissions for the roles, click on the "Submit" button to save the changes.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage the permissions for roles in the HRMS module. This allows you to control the level of access and functionality that each role has within the system, ensuring appropriate authorization and security.

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