How to Import Student Data?

How to Import Student Data?

To import student data in the EdPrime system, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Student" module.
  2. Under the "Other Services" section, click on "Student Import".
  3. On the import page, you will see options to select the student type (New, Old, or Transferred) and the primary contact user (Father, Mother, or Guardian).
  4. Choose the appropriate options for student type and primary contact user based on your needs.
  5. Next, select the file that contains the student data by clicking on the "Choose File" button under the "Student File" section.
  6. Locate and select the file from your local computer that contains the student data you want to import.
  7. Once you have selected the file, click on the "Submit" button to initiate the import process.
  8. If you need guidance on the file format and data structure required for the import, you can download the "Student Sample Data File" by clicking on the "Download Student Sample File" option.
    • This sample file will provide you with an example of the required file format and data fields for a successful import.

Please note that the mandatory fields for student data import include Student Name, Class, and Scholar Number. Ensure that these fields are included in your import file to ensure accurate and complete data import.

By following these steps and providing the necessary information and file, you can import student data into the EdPrime system efficiently.



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