How to change student status from new to old, old to transferred or left ?

How to change student status from new to old, old to transferred or left ?

To update the status of a student in the EdPrime system, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Search Student" under the Student Module.
  2. Search for the student using their Scholar Number, Name, or both.
  3. If needed, you can use the Advanced Search option to further filter the search using criteria like Class, Section, Father Name, etc.
  4. Once you have the search result, double-click on the student's name from the list. This will open the student's profile page.
  5. On the left side of the screen, you will see the student's photo along with their Name, Class, Status, and other details.
  6. Click on the current status of the student, which can be either "Old" or "New".
  7. A small window will appear, allowing you to select the new status from the drop-down options: Old, New, Transferred, or Left.
  8. Enter a remark or reason for changing the status, if required.
  9. Click on "Save" to complete the update.

By following these steps, you can update the status of a student in the EdPrime system and provide a remark or reason for the status change, if necessary.

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