To apply for leave, please follow these steps:
- Navigate
to the HRMS (Human Resource Management System) module.
- Click
on "Apply Leave" under the Leave Management section.
- Select
the appropriate "Leave Type" from the available options.
- Specify
the "From Date" and "To Date" for your leave period.
- Choose
the corresponding "From Session" and "To Session" for
your leave timings.
- Enter
the number of "Days" you will be on leave.
- Provide
a brief "Reason" for your leave.
- Fill
in your "Contact Details" such as phone number or email address.
- Select
the person or authority you want to "Apply To."
- If
necessary, attach a file relevant to your leave application.
- Finally,
click on the "Submit" button to submit your leave application.
By following these steps, you will be able to apply for
leave using the HRMS module's "Apply Leave" feature.