How to add/update siblings?

How to add/update siblings?

To add a sibling to a student's profile in the EdPrime system, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Student module and click on "Search Student".
  2. In the search section, you can enter the student's name or scholar number to find their profile. You can also use advanced filters for more refined search options.
  3. Once you locate the student's profile, click on their name to open it.
  4. On the left-hand side of the screen, under the "Sibling" section, you will see a '+' icon. Click on it.
  5. In the sibling search form, select the branch where the sibling is enrolled and enter the scholar number of the sibling student.
  6. Click on "Search" to retrieve the details of the sibling student.
  7. Review the details of the sibling student to ensure they are correct.
  8. If the details are accurate, click on "Add Sibling" to link the sibling to the student's profile.

By following these steps, you can search for a sibling student and add them to a student's profile in the EdPrime system.

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