To update the Fee Structure Master in the Masters Module, please follow these steps: Navigate to the Masters section and select "Fee Structure Master." Choose the desired Fee Structure Master Name from the list. Click on the pencil icon under the ...
To create a fee structure, follow these steps: Go to the "Fee Structure" section under the "Masters" menu. Click on "Add Fee Structure" to begin creating a new fee structure. Select the appropriate "Fee Master," "Component," and "Frequency" from the ...
To add a fee component in the Masters Module, please follow these steps: Go to the Masters section and click on "Fee." Select "Fee Component" to access the fee component management page. Click on "Add Fee Component" to begin creating a new fee ...
To update a fee component in the Masters Module, please follow these steps: Navigate to the Masters section and click on "Fee." Select "Fee Component" to access the fee component management page. Choose the fee component name you want to update and ...