How to add new content to the learning management system?

How to add new content to the learning management system?

Go to Academics Module > Learning Management System > Add Online Learning 

The right side of the screen shows Class > Subject, once the subject is selected select Chapter / Topic.

Below there is an option 'Add From Here' to be used if we didn't find the Chapter / Topic and want to add it.

Next, Select the Date of Publish while Providing all the other details like:  

  • Authored By - An author can either be the one who is adding the online content or the school.  
  • Task Assigned - Select whether any task (Course-related work) has been assigned with the content or not (If a task has been assigned in the particular chapter, and you would want the students to submit the same, so the teacher can check, view, and access it, click on Yes or else Click on No).   
  • Version - The version will get updated with every change you make in the content after uploading it and if you are adding the content for the first time then it would be Version 1.    
  • Mode - Select the Mode of the content between Notebook and Written. 
  • Reading Time in Minutes - Mention an Ideal time for reading the particular content in minutes.  
  • Publisher - Select the Publisher (Here, a publisher is the one whose book is referred for the online learning content) Click on the Plus Sign to add the name of the publisher. 
  • Now look at the top left side of the screen and Enter Title, what is the main title of the online content you are adding? Like, what the content is all about? 

Note: The above-mentioned Entries are Mandatory to Fill. 

  • To further add/ enhance the instructional content the following options may be used: 
  • P.S these options may or may not be used. They are not mandatory.   
  • Introduction: Provide an introduction to the Topic or Chapter. 
  • Good to Know: Pointers, which may or may not be directly related to the topic but are good to enhance the Students’ GK. Basically giving them outside the book knowledge.  
  • Lesson Expectation: Set the after-reading expectations from the students. For example: What would be the perceived outcome of reading this content? 
  • Also Read: Not necessarily part of the topic, but the reader “should also read” to have a better understanding of the topic or chapter. Here, users could change the title to anything like lesson connect, explain, etc. based on their requirements.   

The default heading of this part will be Also read; however, you can shape  or mold it as per your requirement by changing its Title  

  • General Content: Unlike other texts, General Content would not have any heading. This text will appear the same as you enter it.   
  • References: Any referenced file can be attached with the help of this.  
  • Video (Main): Upload the main video for the Topic or Chapter.  
  • Video (Related): Upload a video that is not the main one but is a part of a sequence or is good to view.   
  • Video (Upload): Upload any video maximum up to 40MB in MP4 format related to the Topic or Chapter.  
  • Video (External): Instead of uploading a video, here you can provide a YouTube link for a video related to the Topic and Chapter. 
  • You can Choose a File If any and Click on Add Details If you wish to add details like Title, Author, Source, Keyword, or Description with your Video or Video URL.  
  • Task: Any task - Homework or Classwork - that is assigned and associated with the Topic or Chapter can be added from here.
  • Image (Main): Upload the main image for the Topic or Chapter.  
  • Image (Related): Upload an Image that is not the main one but is a part of a sequence or is indirectly related to the Topic or Chapter.  
  • Image (Upload): Upload any Image maximum up to 20MB in png, jpg, jpeg, gif, related to the Topic and Chapter.  
  • Image (External): Upload a link for an image, related to the topic or chapter.  
  • You can Choose a File If any and Click on Add Details If you wish to add details like Title, Author, Source, Keyword, or Description with your Image or Image URL 
  • Document: Upload any document maximum up to 20 MB (in pdf, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, doc, Docx) that is a part of the Topic/Chapter and the reader should read or go through. 
  • Summary: Summary of the Topic or Chapter can be added from here. 
  • Important Note: Add an important note related to the chapter or topic. Important Note would appear in a different color from the rest content, so one can easily highlight any important text with this. Another best part about this is a user could also change the title with it.    
  • iFrame: This feature would help you to use a third-party link to arrange video conferencing and online meetings.

Once completed, you can select any of the Following Options as per the  requirement: 

  • Save & Publish: This would mean the author has completed the loading of content and the Topic/Chapter is now ready to be published.
  • Save as Draft: This would mean the author is still working on content and the Topic/Chapter is still in progress.
  • Preview - To preview the final look of the online content before it gets published.
  • Cancel - To Cancel the Process.