How can I copy/replicate Online learning content from one school to other school or schools?

How can I copy/replicate Online learning content from one school to other school or schools?

  • Go to Academics Module > Learning Management System > Add Online Learning
  • The right side of the screen shows Class > Subject, once the subject is selected select Chapter / Topic.
  • Below there is an option 'Add From Here' to be used if we didn't find the Chapter / Topic and want to add it.
  • Next, select the Date of Publish while Providing all the other details same as while adding Online learning content
  • Now at the top right-hand side of the screen, click on the Plus Sign besides Replicate in Other Branches.  
  • By default, all the branches would be selected, Uncheck the branches in which the syllabus and content might differ.  
  • Once all the branches are successfully verified, click on Save & Publish at the bottom of the page.